Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics.

Another week, June is almost ended and it’s my birthday this time. It seemed a little unfair that we did the boy’s birthday, Mother’s Day, Husband’s birthday, Father’s Day and our wedding anniversary in lockdown so we decided to do something the whole family could enjoy for my birthday. So I spent two hours in queue online and got us tickets to London Zoo. The boy had wanted to go for his birthday but we couldn’t because of Lockdown restrictions and he took that so well, and was good about it that we booked and surprised him. I was a little anxious because it’s people and a tourist place, and it’s London and we are still in the middle of a pandemic, but it felt very organised and other than having to circumnavigate small children who understandably do not get social distancing (and I really feel for parents of little kids, it’s hard enough keeping a ten year old and a teen being aware of social distancing and people) and having to wear normal shoes for the first time in almost 15 weeks (I have either been in bare feet or running shoes for exercise) it was lovely. Some things in the zoo are closed still and it is obvious we are still in the middle of a huge crisis, but it was a lovely day.
Our week has been busy, the teen is making masks for people, and a little pocket money from that which she is enjoying. She’s very handy with her sewing machine and very clever, far better than me. She has been doing end of term assements for school and her teachers are very happy with how hard she’s worked and how well she has done under such strange circumstances so we think she will have done ok. I am also working on assessing where the boy is at with his homeschool. He is ending year 5 and we have finished science, French, and history for year 5 already and almost maths. I think he needs a bit of a push with literacy, but we are sliding into year 6 and I am not worried. He will not be going to secondary school we don’t think, although we may apply for his sister’s school, and see what he feels about starting secondary school with me at home. He is starting ballet junior assosciate classes with a ballet school in September as well as carrying on with his curent ballet and dance exams, and is looking to make ballet something he takes more seriously so we kind of feel that homeschool fits better with that but secondary school education is not something I had planned on teaching him so we will look at the best options to keep him up so he can either go back into school or do exams to give him what he needs.
It has also been incredibly hot this week and we have not had much sleep and as much as I love the sunshine I do not love my children when they haven’t had enough sleep due to it being too hot, and I am not a nice person when I am running on even less sleep than usual so we are glad the heatwave came and then went. I even made cold soup, which everyone loved. Hopefully, we will get some normal and reasonable sunny but not too hot weather for the summer break.
I cannot believe we are at the end of June and half way through the year. It’s been so strange so far, and not much changing for the next while. What an odd and sad year 2020 has been, I wonder if we can get a refund?
I have been messing around on TikTok this week. Mostly cat spam and hamster videos as I won’t put my kids or family life on there, and the kids do not have access to there or any other social media, but it’s a lot of fun. I feel old and uncool there, though.
This is my favourite photo from this week.

Llama facial expression, and how I feel mostly these days…
You can also see what we have been up to here in our weekly video I make for my mother in law…
So that was our week in photos. I hope life this week has treated you kindly?
Happy birthday to you! It sounds like you had a lovely day at the zoo.
Well done your teen making masks. That is such a lovely thing to do. It sounds like the school work is going well.
I am glad it has cooled down a bit this week but I am not liking the grey skies.
Fab photo! What a cute llama. x
Happy happy birthday to you, glad you got tickets to London Zoo and that it was a pleasant experience for you all. Your daughter is doing a great service making face masks. I hope you are able to come up with the right decision for your sons education and ballet. I made an account with tiktok, did one video sent it to my son who said I didn’t need to be on EVERY social media channel lol
I do love a bit of tiktok. But I never really know what to put on there! Even the people my age on there are pretty cool and ‘young’.
Glad you got out to the zoo. I think it’s probably always the first going out that’s hard.
How lovely to get out to the zoo! Well done to your daughter on making the face masks – a useful way to earn some pocket money.
Fab picture of the llama! Glad you managed to get out! We have had 2 birthdays and our 15th wedding anniversary in lockdown too! Will have to make up for it next year.
Happy birthday for last week. Glad you had a nice day at London Zoo. Well done to your teen on making masks – what a good way for her to earn a little extra pocket money. Good luck with deciding what will work best for your son with schooling and ballet. Love the llama’s facial expression in your photo. #project366
I really want to visit the zoo but our local one isn’t open yet. We have had 5 birthdays in lockdown and our anniversary is next week, so we need to find something to do now things are starting to open again
LOL that is an awesome picture! Llama are awesome to watch, cheeky things – they spit a lot!
Glad you got to London Zoo and it was a little easier than expected! I’m with you though, going out somewhere that normally would be crazy busy would make me think twice, but good to hear they were organised!
Fabulous your daughter has been making face masks, they are so great to make and even better, she is making some pocket money from it too! Hope you have all had a fab week! Sim x
Thank you, it is a very strange and not normal time, isn’t it? I hope you have a good week too!
Happy belated birthday to you! A visit to London Zoo sounds fun. I’ve been several times with my elder son when he was little, but haven’t taken my younger son there. The llama looks fab!
Well done to your teen on making masks.
OoooOoO Happy birthday! That’s a lot of celebrations occuring in lockdown. Half of my family’s, including my, birthday occured before lockdown and the rest are in the winters. It must be nice to be able to go to the zoo again. Decide whatever you feel is best for your child.
Is the llama smirking into the camera?
I downloaded TikTok, got annoyed in seconds and deleted again! #project366
Yeah, I am in two minds now as I think their data sharing issues are a problem.
Such a fab picture of the llama. Happy birthday for last week. Glad you got to go to the zoo again x
Happy belated Birthday. Sounds like a great trip to London Zoo. I as a parent to a 4-year-old can totally confirm they don’t get it. Even though we recite the rules every time we get out of the car! I have just brought some masks, really should have tried to make them. Well done on your teen.