Sometimes it’s the finer details in life that you have to look for to appreciate them properly. Look harder, look closer, you might be surprised.

You see a little boy’s hand, dirty, nails bitten and a scruffy flower seed, blown and battered. We call these fairies, by the way.
I see a hand that has spent a busy day, exploring, learning, drawing, eating, getting dirty in the garden, questioning, playing, constantly talking, never stopping, full of life.
I have never been one to worry about my kids getting dirty, getting into things, and whilst I do sometimes gently guide them away from the mess and causing chaos every now and then, I have grown relaxed in my parenting and generally live the mantra that a messy child is a happy child. Kids and clothes can be washed.
The finer details of life, finding a fairy seed, catching it, worrying about damaging it, and talking about it, how it grows, where it has come from, and what happens to it, planting it, and now waiting to see if it actually grows.
Just one tiny moment from my week. It’s never dull, or boring round here. I don’t think I would have it any other way. Sometimes I wish for a little more peace and quiet, but I think we would get bored if that happened too often.
We roll into a summer holiday with no time away, and restrictions thanks to Covid19. More staying home, less adventures this year. But we plan to enjoy the small things and make the best of life, before hopefully some vague return to normal, in the autumn. We shall what the next few weeks won’t we?
Sharing life with other bloggers. My Sunday Photo & Project 365
looks like his hands have been busy being a boy – have a great day! #MySundayPhoto
Fingers crossed that the fairy seed grows into a beautiful flower.
Getting dirty is essential!
Love the detail in this, we’ve been exploring a lot in the garden lately
Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto
We’ll be doing the same (but with my working from home still thrown in. He’ll have to entertain himself on the farm in the middle). Great detail on this!
Thank you
We call those fairies too.
That looks like a hand that has been busy and has had a fun day x
It was a hand belonging to a very grubby but happy child! 🙂
I hope the seeds grow for you X #mysundayphoto
Absolutely, in the current situation we have to enjoy the small things. #MySundayPhoto
What a sweet photo and lovely to read about your boy. I have one child who is a chatterbox and it is lovely to hear.
Beautiful capture and a lovely way to look at things xxx
My kids were always grubby as have all the children I’ve worked with over the years. Always a good sign that they’ve had fun
we are the same with DD1’s kids that come back soggy, boggy and happy with goodness only knows what it their hair and shoes/wellies.
DD2 is a bit less relaxed on this score but they are both happy with their own styles
Lovely to focus on the positives and tiny details, really should work on learning to use my camera for close ups… #project366
That’s a lovely photo. I love dandelion seeds. I always used to call them fairies as a child too. I’m with you on the mantra that children and clothes can always be washed. There’s a lot of beauty in those small things in life. #project366
Oh, I love this, my two are constantly messy!! We call these fairies too and there is much excitement when they find some. Hope you have a lovely Summer x
That’s a very philosophical post, and you’re right, the small things in life should be appreciated more. That’s a lovely image!
My kids love exploring and getting filthy. We have found more creatures this year, not sure if it is because we are out more or because we are more vigilant
Must admit with my eldest I hated her getting messy. With the youngest am a bit more relaxed
Cute little fairy. It is when the little hands and fingers get dirty that children enjoy and learn things. Its nice that you find comfort in the little things