A little happy. What made me happy this week?

Life is somewhat challenging but I thought sharing a little happy each week would help to bring the positive in life to the forefront. For me, finding the happy things amongst the tough stuff helps me to keep going.

a little happy

This week as London faces further covid restrictions and we try and keep life as normal and sane as possible whilst not being able to socialize with people, and other new rules, we keep calm, wear our masks and do what we are allowed to do, safely.

Half term – We have rolled into half term without having to self isolate or having caught Covid19. My main goal was to take things a week at a time, then get to half term. So far our school has only had 2 cases, which means we have got off lightly so far. I know we are not immune and it may happen, but to have got this far is good and we embrace that.

a little happy

Glorious autumn weather – we have had some rough weather days but also some lovely days and we are trying to embrace those and get out of the house as much as we can.

a little happy

Going back to work – yes, that is a thing. I am working doing some admin, but it looks like I might be able to open a small group for local families to support them, after everything that families are used to accessing, has been shut for so long. It broke my heart to close down what I do when lockdown started. Working with local services and following a LOT of Covid safe rules, I maybe able to provide some much-needed support. We have weighed up our risks and also my desire to help people and we think we can do it as safely as possible. I will let you know if I pull it off.

Eating out safely – the joys of older children and being able to go out to eat in nice places and be able to enjoy it because the children will try new things and behave well. We enjoyed a trip to a local French place we love and the children tried proper French crêpes . Eating out is pleasant and whilst we aren’t allowed to meet with other people, enjoying family time is important and whilst our children still feel we are cool enough to be with us, we are embracing that.

a little happy

Pin badges – I collect pin badges and every now and then I splurge and buy one or two. Three actually this week. They made me smile and if you look closely you will see they are all relevant to life as we know it right now…

So that’s a little happy from me this week.

Have you found anything that has made you smile?

Posted in Family Life and Parenting and tagged A little happy.


  1. I am amazed we have got to half term without having to self isolate or having Covid with cases on the rise here.
    That is great news that you are back at work and able to help people. x

  2. Well done on making it to half term without having to self isolate. I’ve been trying to persuade H to go out for lunch with me, but he just isn’t interested. I like the idea of a break from the cooking.

  3. love the pin badges.
    Your children will grow through the phase of not being seen with you as they mature and are quite happy to go out again.
    Hope you can get your support service started again

  4. Good luck with trying to provide support for families with all the Covid-restrictions. It’s so hard that so much has closed down. Lovely to be able to enjoy family time together. Those crepes look delicious. Love the pin badges – the cat one made me chuckle. #project366

  5. Glad to hear you are able to provide support to families who need it. We’ve been lucky with both schools as they haven’t been closed (fingers crossed, I don’t jinx that), only one class in one school was closed.
    The pin badges are lovely. And I would love some crepes too.

  6. I LOVE the Sloth badge and that is totally how I feel! Quite happy to hibernate right now and make an appearance when it’s all over!
    Older children are more aware of what is going on right now and whilst it’s all ‘boring’ they are certainly more compliant. Glad to hear you will be able to help local families again soon, just stay safe!x
    PS. Those crepes look awesome!

  7. Yes, the important thing is to stay calm and to be thankful that one hasn’t been infected by covid-19. Lovely ducks. It’s great that you’re doing your best to help people 😀 the crepes look tasty. Cute badges

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