I lost track of Meal Plan Monday in the autumn of 2022. Life felt very overwhelming and stressful so the blog was a bit neglected. But I thought I would try and bring it back and see if I can keep up.

So, welcome to our Meal Plan Monday. Sharing what we eat, how we eat, and how I plan our meals, whilst factoring in food allergies and Coeliac disease. We shop between Asda and Aldi.
We are back to normal for our home education routine, this week, and also all the Christmas food is gone, and eating is back in routine too. I love Christmas and all the Christmas food but it does get to a point where we need to just get back into the routine of normal. I am also working on losing some weight so we are trying to make things a little healthier, whilst not starving.
I am also not fully back at work yet, so our week is a bit gentler and slower than normal, which is nice and easing us back in.
So our meals this week look like this:
Monday – toad in the hole. I work on Mondays so I don’t get home til 6pm, this is an easy meal that the husband can make, he works from home on Mondays.
Tuesday – gnocchi and meatballs
Wednesday – the husband is out and kiddo and I are also out at ballet, so the teen will make pasta for herself and some for us and we will have my vegan but actually delicious pesto, I will make it and leave it in the fridge.
Thursday – jacket potatoes and salad
Friday – salmon and veggies
Saturday – I haven’t decided yet, possibly homemade Pad Thai
Sunday – it’s our community lunch day where I cook for about 25-35 people, and I am making chicken pie, and a vegetarian pie, for everyone, with cheesecake, and a vegan alternative.
All of these meals are gluten free, and I adapt for dairy free too.
So, hopefully this full first week of back to normal will be kind to us, but at least I am all organised with meals.
What are you eating this week?