How I spring clean my email inbox

I don’t know about you, but I do know that I need to regularly spring clean my email inbox , and not just once a year. I get lazy about it and then stressed when my inbox is full of spam, mails from companies I have signed up to for discount codes (don’t judge, we all do it) or events that I have given my email address to. Between that and the link spammers that if you are a blogger, you will be familiar with, it can feel like a scary place, in your email.

So, here are a few tips from me that help me to manage better and now I do a big once a month clear out, which helps and if I spot a mail that I know I don’t want to keep coming into my inbox, I act to unsubscribe, or mark it as spam so it doesn’t keep coming back.

Legally companies are not allowed to send you mail without your permission due to GDPR rules around information sharing and consent, so if you think you are getting emails from someone you have not consented to contact you, or you ask to be unsubscribed and they don’t you can report that. However, it’s always good to check, because most of the time, you probably have signed up for their emails to be sent to you or not read the blurb on terms when you signed up for something or paid for something. Most companies and organisations take GDPR and permissions quite seriously and don’t want to risk being fined if they fail to comply with the law.

As a busy, working and home educating mum, I do need to keep organised but also try to not feel like life is completely on top of me too. That isn’t always easy.

Email inbox

So here is what helps me. I do need remind myself to do these things and update them, so please remember this is not me pretending to be perfect.

1. Use Spam Filters

  • Enable Spam Filtering: Most email providers have built-in spam filters. Make sure they are turned on and configured correctly.
  • Mark Spam: Always mark unwanted emails as spam. This helps the filter learn and improve over time.

2. Unsubscribe from Unwanted Newsletters

  • Unsubscribe Links: Use the unsubscribe links at the bottom of newsletters and promotional emails you no longer wish to receive.
  • Unsubscribe Services: Consider using services like, which can help you bulk unsubscribe from emails. Although you do need to be careful with using services like this because you are allowing THEM access to your inbox and email. Make sure you are happy with that access and the actions those apps or services will take.

3. Create Filters and Rules

  • Organize Incoming Mail: Set up filters to automatically sort emails into folders or label them based on criteria such as sender, subject, or keywords.
  • Auto-delete Spam: Create rules to automatically delete emails from known spammers.

4. Use Multiple Email Addresses

  • Primary Email: Use one email for personal and important communications.
  • Secondary Email: Use a secondary email for signing up for newsletters, promotions, and online services.
  • Disposable Email Addresses: Use disposable or temporary email services for one-time sign-ups. I find both of these work well, as long as you don’t feel massive overwhelm with having more than one email inbox to manage and monitor. I don’t use my spam email address on my phone or iPad to help control that overwhelm, and I check in on it once a week on my laptop.

5. Regular Inbox Cleaning

  • Delete Unnecessary Emails: Regularly go through your inbox and delete emails you no longer need.
  • Archive Important Emails: Archive emails that are important but don’t need to be in your inbox.
  • Empty Trash and Spam Folders: Regularly empty your trash and spam folders to free up space.

6. Use Email Management Tools

  • Third-Party Tools: Tools like Clean Email, Mailstrom, or SaneBox can help automate the process of cleaning up your inbox.
  • Built-in Features: Many email providers offer built-in tools for organizing and managing your inbox.

7. Be Careful with Your Email Address

  • Limit Sharing: Avoid sharing your email address publicly or with untrusted sources.
  • Check Privacy Settings: Adjust privacy settings on social media and other platforms to limit who can see your email address.

8. Educate Yourself on Phishing

  • Recognize Phishing Emails: Be aware of common phishing tactics and learn to recognize suspicious emails.
  • Don’t Click Unknown Links: Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown or untrusted sources.

9. Regularly Update Your Email Password

  • Strong Passwords: Use strong, unique passwords for your email account.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for an added layer of security.

It can take a little bit of work to spring clean your email inbox and keep it tidy so managing it is less work, but it’s worth putting some steps in place to help keep you from feeling overwhelmed and stressed when you open your email app or go to check your email.

Any tips or tricks I have forgotten? Leave me a comment.

Posted in Everything else and tagged productivity, Spring clean your emil inbox, working mum life.