How I spring clean my email inbox

I don’t know about you, but I do know that I need to regularly spring clean my email inbox , and not just once a year. I get lazy about it and then stressed when my inbox is full of spam, mails from companies I have signed up to for discount codes (don’t judge, we […]


Working mum life and being organized.

*This is a collaborative post* I am a working mum. I have been for most of my children’s lives. I have worked full time for an employer, and been self-employed. I currently run a small local charity as well as being a blogger so in reality, I have two jobs as well as managing family […]


She’s coming…

She’s coming. I realised in December that I cannot manage the mad juggle of life without some extra help. I simply cannot keep on top of all the basics whilst being a working mum. I just don’t have the capacity. Other people seem to cope with working, parenting and keeping their house clean and tidy. […]