Back to school. Year 8 at school, Year 5 at home & for me too

Back to school. For all of us.

The summer break has ended. It’s been lovely, in many ways but also a little nostalgic for me as I realise my children are getting older. It has also been a tad stressful, and not that relaxing. More on that in another post.

But they aren’t leaving me yet, and we roll into another academic year for all of us. Yup, you read that right, now read on for the details.

The tween starts year 8, at school. Slowly working out what her GCSE options will be (Food Tech and History being certain things she can choose, above the compulsory ones)

The boy starts Year 5 at home with me. Year 4, and learning to adapt to homeschooling was a challenge in many ways but we did it and we are carrying on. We currently cover and plan to continue with the basics of the National Curriculum, with added extras like Art classes, choir, cooking classes, gymnastics, swimming, French club and dance classes with other children his own age. He is fairly busy.

And me? I am going back to school. Not quite in September, but in the Spring of next year I will be doing two short courses to give me some basic grounding and credits to start a degree course in September 2020. In what you ask? That I will share more about soon, but it’s going to be doing what I love most, helping people, and working with people, using my life experience as a background, and hopefully taking what I have learned and been through to help others. Not back to nursing, but something I have wanted to do for a long time, and the husband being ill earlier this year, galvanised me into realising if I don’t do things that I want to do, no one will do them for me, so I am as the saying goes “grabbing the bull by the horns” and going back to studying, clinical practice (eventually) and possibly, if I am able to succeed, some useful qualifications for when the children do leave home and I find myself with more time on my hands. We shall see.

The next few months are going to be busy for us, we have ballet exams, and the boy is going to be away on several intensive ballet courses too, the tween will be working hard and slowly dealing with the process of building up to choosing what she wants to do for GCSE exams, in the next few years. I will be working out how to use my brain to study and learn again, and in between working and also making sure we are up to scratch with homeschooling, as well. It will be more juggling. But it will be worth it.

We can do this, we like a challenge. We are all looking forward to back to school, and what it means for each of us.


Posted in Family Life and Parenting and tagged back to school, Back to school routine.


  1. Sounds interesting! I have one heading into year 9 after an anxious year in year 8 she actually says she is looking forward to it (apart from panicking that her new shoes are squeaky when she walks). Second daughter has started year 7 today and is so far excited. My son will go into year 3 on Monday (yes he has a whole extra 5 days off!)
    I hope it all goes well, Keira picked Food Tech and History for her options.

  2. Wow! You sure do have a lot coming up over the next few months! Just seems so amazing how quickly the Summer holidays have gone by and now they are back at school!

  3. Exciting times ahead it seems. I’m longing to do more study, but as a new career wouldn’t really be an option, I think I may try something a little more artistic maybe?? Good luck in your short courses, and the homeschooling. I did that for about six months in year 4 as we couldn’t find a school for my son. We did find a suitable school eventually and he seems to have settled well. I hope your eldest enjoys her later school years. I have one going back to year 10 tomorrow and starting her GCSEs while the other girls is going into year 8.

    • Thank you. I currently work with families so want to extend to get a proper qualifications to be officially recognised and be able to help them. It’s going to be busy, for sure

  4. Good luck to you all with the new school year! I hadn’t even thought about GCSE options yet for my tween. She’s going into year 8 too.
    Oh wow! Good luck to you with the courses and heading towards the degree. How exciting x

  5. How exciting for you! I’m intrigued to learn more about what your study path will be. My eldest has just started his last year of primary school. It’s scary how quick it’s gone.

    • Time goes so fast doesn’t it? I am hoping to train to be a counsellor, It will be helpful for my day job and also for my own personal growth

  6. Sounds like exciting times ahead for you. I hope your courses work out well. And sounds like you have things covered with the kids too. Homeschooling is something I consider every now and then but don’t think I could so I have great admiration for anyone who does x

  7. Oh exciting times for all of you! Mine have just started year 1, 2, 3 and 11. Big year for my eldest and his GCSE’s, I’m already worried about him as he is so stressed out!

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