*This is a review post. We were kindly sent a book to review and share about*
Having a calm, gentle bedtime routine is something that we have always done, even when sleep has been at it’s worst. As the mother of a child who has struggled since he was a baby, with sleep, I am very aware that there are some basic things that you do even if your child isn’t a great sleeper or doesn’t like going to sleep, to try and help. Sleep can be a difficult thing to manage when your child is struggling. When we attended a sleep clinic to get help and advice, the first thing they asked was about what routine we used and what we did. I was surprised but it would seem that people don’t realise that one of the tricks to a better bedtime can be routine, calm, the same thing every night, and keeping to that, where at all possible. Kids benefit from consistency and it is easier on everyone. I am always on the lookout for tools and tricks to help our bedtime be as sane and easy as possible.
Goes to Sleep make beautiful personalised books to help with bedtime.
“We make bespoke personalised children’s books based on leading research to help solve real problems.
Proudly working with the ‘Children’s Sleep Charity’ and leading experts in Paediatrics.”
Reading stories is an important part of getting ready for bed and bedtime routine, and a way of calming down, bonding and preparing for sleep. So a book all about bedtime, written just for your child is a perfect way to introduce them to making and keeping bedtime better. Matthew loves his book, and although he is now a bit older, bedtime can still be a bit of a battleground some nights, and this book helps him to calm down, when he reads it to me or with me.
Each book is made with children in mind, and the illustrations are beautiful, simple and eye-catching. You choose the name, gender and personal aspects for your child, so the story is totally about them and they can relate to what they are reading or being read to.
The book takes your child through a story to the end and a gentle bedtime and reads in a way that is easy but understandable for children. It’s a book you can read with them over and over or that they can read to themselves. I really like this concept, and the idea behind the book and the fact that it has been designed, and written with experts who know their sleep stuff, helps to reassure parents that it’s a real tool to use and not just another gimmick.
It might not solve all your bedtime or sleep problems but it’s a great tool to use to make things smoother, and persuade your child that bedtime isn’t as bad as they think, or help them understand how bedtime works and keep it calm and easy.
This would also make a great gift for a child, who might be moving from a cot to a bed and you need to build a new bedtime routine.
It’s well worth adding this to your little one’s library. It might be just the bedtime answer you are looking for.