Beautiful window boxes with Bay and Box

I am not a big gardener, I struggle to find the time to concentrate on anything more than the basics of keeping our garden looking clean and tidy, although I do love being in the garden. I do however, love window boxes and find those easy to look after and maintain, and to me there […]


Trying again

Before I continue with this post I need to ask for a couple of things… I don’t need opinions on my age or that we have two healthy children and I need to just get over it. I don’t need medical or nutritional or any advice on what we need to do or not do […]


I’m so grateful for mansplaining about snow days

This post is a rant based on someone mansplaining a snow day to me… If you live in the UK, you are either very aware of the snow and freezing weather we are having or you are right in the middle of it and are snowed in, or struggling with the effects of the snow […]


Snow terrifies me…

We’ve had snow here today. Much foretold and much anticipated. Much fuss made by the media and weather forecasters. Some parts of the country have had a fair dumping of the stuff. We’ve even had a rare and reasonable amount considering we are in London. The kids are thrilled. They’ve made snowmen and peppered each […]