How do we homeschool when parents are ill?

So, how do we homeschool when parents are ill? That is something I have been asked a couple of times, usually by people who have, the admitted advantage that they can still send their children to school when they themselves are unwell, rather than having to worry about looking after themselves whilst also making sure […]


My Home Education group phobia

This post is part serious and part tongue in cheek and shares my journey around bad home education group experiences. If you run a home education group, please don’t be too offended, this is my story and I am sure not all groups are the same. If you follow us you will know we made […]


Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023

As we say goodbye 2022 and hello to 2023, I thought we would round up our year and share where we have been at and how the year has been for us. 2022 seems to have had two modes, for us. A rollercoaster we can’t get off and wading through quicksand whilst juggling cacti. January […]