Scientific Benefits of Having a Pet Cat

Studies have demonstrated that simply watching cat recordings on the web can support a man’s energy and make positive feelings—so it’s nothing unexpected that real feline possession has various advantages. Here are a few. Owning a Cat Is Better For the Environment In case you’re stressed over your carbon footprint, it’s smarter to claim a […]


A Dog’s Purpose

   A family movie about a dog who goes through life trying to figure out his purpose. You will laugh and cry. I did. Dennis Quaid stars as the voice of the main character in the movie and we have a question and answer piece he did all about the movie and his role.  Q: […]


Name stickers for a good cause…

My kids have  A LOT of stuff, and most of it, they reassure me is needed and part of the essentials of life (can someone explain to me why a child needs three pencil cases please?) and that they use it all and it all really has a purpose. Things for school, things for dance […]


This old girl has arthritis…

If you follow us on social media, you will remember that a few weeks ago, we had to do a rather urgent run to the vet for Layla. She really is the feline face of this blog, and she is my baby, too, as well as the children, in fact she has been around longer […]