I write about mental health, from my own perspective and more generally.

My journey is very personal but other people have chosen to take it very personally too and because there are people who would use what I write in a negative way, I feel the need for a layer of protection and for the time being I have chosen to make some of the mental health content of this blog private. Should you wish to read those posts please feel free to contact me here and we can chat.
One day there will be less stigma around the sharing of the mental health journey so many struggle with. We can but hope.
The ramblings of a middle aged insomniac, chronic insomnia sucks…
At the rate I am going, I will be changing the name of this blog to “the ramblings of a middle aged insomniac”. Basically the day that I stop writing about sleep, will probably be the day I hang up my blogging hat… Chronic insomnia sucks. It’s miserable. It’s also annoying to deal with now,… Continue reading→
I am not here to fit into “your world”
I am here to make the world my own… I think this expression sums up how I feel. I was bored, recently, one evening, waiting for a small child to settle to sleep, doing my usual cruise through social media to see what was happening beyond the four walls of my life, and I came… Continue reading→
Lip picking and anxiety. Bad habits and mental health.
People who know me really well, and that is very few people, know that I have a couple of bad habits that tend to betray how I am doing, in myself, and how life is treating me and lip picking is one of those tells. I used to bite my nails, but stopped when my… Continue reading→
Just for a season, I’m saying no…
*this post is written partly as a cathartic self expressive exercise, and also because I’m rubbish at explaining how I feel in person. I’ve come a long way on this mental health journey of mine, and where as once I would have just kept going until I broke, I now have the ability to recognize better… Continue reading→
Feel stress free with Thrive
I recently was asked to try out an app, to see how it worked when dealing with issues like stress, anxiety and depression. It’s a handy little app available to download to a mobile device. The developers of the program have come up with an app you can use to help you manage stress and cope… Continue reading→
I am glad I had a mental health breakdown…
So you are reading the title of this post and thinking and possibly even saying “what the…?”. You need to read on to understand what I mean and you will get what I am trying to say. This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, and many of us, who have struggled with mental health issues,… Continue reading→
Anatomy of a panic attack…
This is very raw and personal. I won’t give advice. I can’t tell you I’m an expert on anxiety. I can’t claim to know how to handle it perfectly because I’m still walking the long road to learning how to help myself. Yesterday I had an panic attack. It’s been a while. I know I… Continue reading→
Don’t ever say “you need to get over it”…
This week is Post and Pre Natal Depression and Anxiety awareness week. You can read more about PANDAS here When someone you love or know is struggling with post natal or pre natal depression or anxiety, it can be hard to understand what is going on inside their head, and why they are struggling. It… Continue reading→
When you need valium to go to the dentist…
I don’t like going to the dentist. I am pretty sure that there are actually very few people who are thrilled by the idea, but there are a number of people in the population, who actually have anxiety around going to the dentist and having dental treatment, and I am one of them. In fact,… Continue reading→
Is feeling numb ok?
Christmas can be a challenging time, for those who struggle with mental health issues. It’s supposed to be a time of joy, goodwill to all men, fun, love, and all the “nice” things we are supposed to feel. I love Christmas because my children enjoy the festivities, the gift giving, and seeing friends and family…. Continue reading→