A little bit of Christmas creativity with Ora and a giveaway…
We have shared our love of Ora the round kitchen towel that is seriously multi purpose, and can be used for all sorts of things and not just cleaning up mess. We use it for a lot of different things and there is always a stack of it in our kitchen. We recently had fun […]
READ MORE→A perfect selection for a Christmas Hamper with Cia Gusto…
Christmas gifts can be a bit of a tricky one, finding the perfect item for each person, shopping, wrapping, keeping secrets. It’s all fun but can be a bit stressful. To be honest, this year I have had NO IDEA what to buy the Husband. He’s pretty much got everything he wants or needs, he […]
READ MORE→A Brush with Death.
I love a good mystery, and find nothing more satisfying than curling up with a good one, and usually not putting it down until I have finished it. If you like a good murder mystery, filled with suspense, that will keep you on your toes then this a book I think you need to get […]
Tomorrow, I get on a plane. I’m heading to Greece, I’m flying alone, leaving my family behind, but it’s not for a holiday or some glamorous adventure. Tempting though it is, the idea of a week relaxing in a warm country, catching up on much needed sleep and time to myself. This trip has required […]
READ MORE→Clowns are not funny… Well scary ones aren’t…
The blog post where I will admit to being prepared to face being arrested if a scary clown comes my way… 😉 If you keep up with social media and the news you will know there has been an outbreak of people dressing as clowns recently, but not your average, friendly, cheery looking, turns up […]
READ MORE→Sands Alive – sensory and creative fun…
I am a bit of a play-dough fan and if you have read our blog before you will know I like to make our own dough, and expiremtn with textures and colors. I have tried “play-dough sand” before both the branded bought stuff and also the home made kind and never really been that impressed. […]
READ MORE→Anatomy of a panic attack…
This is very raw and personal. I won’t give advice. I can’t tell you I’m an expert on anxiety. I can’t claim to know how to handle it perfectly because I’m still walking the long road to learning how to help myself. Yesterday I had an panic attack. It’s been a while. I know I […]
READ MORE→Wrap your lunch differently and a giveaway…
I pack a lot of lunches in my house. Every day, we have a lunch box for each child, one for the Husband, and I try to include myself as well, to make sure I get lunch, rather than buying. We generally use tinfoil or clingwrap, to wrap sandwiches or other items to put in […]
READ MORE→Can you survive without the supermarket? Take a Supermarket Siesta?
So a month ago, I wrote about taking a break from supermarket shopping. It’s not exactly my favorite pastime, so when the lovely team at Supermarket Siesta said “see if you can manage without it”, I thought it might be something I would like to try. I think if you live in a city or […]
READ MORE→Dear Facebook, no you can’t have my number but thanks for your concern for my privacy…
I haven’t had a rant about Facebook for a while so here you go…This is of course, tongue in cheek 😉 Dear Facebook. You want information about me. The more information I share with you, the more useful I am to you in terms of advertising revenue. You tell me you want my information because […]
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