Goodbye 2019. I can’t say I am sad to see you go. The last few years have been tough and 2018 ended hard for us, for many reasons, some of which we haven’t and won’t share, and some we have shared. 2019 started gently but has been a bit of a rollercoaster and I can hand on heart say that a few things have made it the toughest year we have had in a long time. There have been some real highs but some proper gut-churning, and heart-stopping lows, almost literally. Sharing some of the highs and lows of 2019 as it comes to a close.
was fun. We always let the tween (now she’s a teen, I need to get used to saying that) celebrate her birthday a bit more because she was born just after Christmas and it kind of gets swallowed by that. She and I thoroughly enjoyed a trip to Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium to have tea with cats.

was a quiet month, getting into new routines. We did however go and watch How to Train your Dragon 3 and I cried a lot, and my mission this year is to read all the books so I am fully caught up with my small son on that score.

was very busy, we flew kites and spent a lot of family time together. We are getting to the stage where the kids are growing up and we know that at some point it won’t be cool to hang with their parents so we are making the most of it.

started well, with the adults managing to escape for a weekend away alone to celebrate our wedding anniversary. It was perfect.

We didn’t know what was to come and that the husband was about to get seriously ill and what started as a cold, then a chest infection would end up as myocarditis and a very scary few days in hospital. At one point they told me he was having a heart attack and for a few hours I thought I might lose him. He recovered but it was slow and it has taken us a long time to find our normal. A lot of people don’t recover from myocarditis or take a long time. We are grateful for the NHS and the care it gave us and family and friends who supported us through what was a very scary time.

was a time of recovery and rest for him and us. It was hard to juggle family life doing everything to give him time to rest but it was good for me because it made me realise how much he does for us, and gave me a newfound appreciation for him, our marriage and family.

Spotty the Gecko also joined us in May and I feel like I run a zoo, but he’s the funniest thing, and we love having him.

was about some time for me. I went away for a weekend, alone, to Scotland to see friends for my birthday. Homeschool and work life means I get very little time for me, so it was a much-needed break, I was glad to come home to my family though, I do miss them, even through the lack of sleep.

was all about new things for this boy. Working towards ballet exams, going away camping for the first time without mum and dad, and joining a choir and making new friends.

was holiday time and we were able to go back to the place we love and stay in the Auvergne region of France. It has been a haven for us and we are sad that we can’t go back and stay there but we’ve found good friends and made wonderful memories and that’s what counts most.

was back to school in all it’s forms for all us. Year 8, Year 5 homeschool and me applying for college courses for next year.

was the month where we were very worried about Layla, as it looked like she might have some health issues that would be life-limiting. Thankfully, she is proving to be as tough as old boots and is doing ok on a medication regime and the vet thinks she still has a lot of life left in her, which we are very relieved. Jasper has tested our pet insurance to the max this year, and his nine life limit.

was slowly rolling into Christmas and enjoying lots of family fun, and activities. Boy and I went to Bristol for a dance course, he completed his Grade 2 ballet exam, spent time at the Royal ballet school in London, and we had family fun at the circus. The teen was nominated for a reward at school and is flying through year 8 making us proud. She doesn’t like loosing at bowling to her dad or brother though…

brought all things Christmassy, Elf on the Shelf, pantomime visits, concerts, shows, Christmas food, and fun.

And we rolled into the nicest, gentlest Christmas, which was just what we needed. We are already planning what we want to do for Christmas 2020, we shall have to wait and see if our plans come off…

And that is our year summed up in a few photos and sentences. There is more, but I am of the view that a blog post can only for so long before it gets boring.
So we wind up and say goodbye 2019 and we wonder what 2020 will bring.
Wishing everyone a peaceful and Happy New Year and 2020 is what you hope for…
Lots of lovely memories from the year. Fab photos.
Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best for 2020 x
Thank you. And to you too!!
Happy New Year!! Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2020, with a. Bit of a smoother ride hopefully xx
Thank you. I hope so. Happy New Year