September 2021 – Stuff we loved

Welcome to September 2021’s Stuff we loved. Sharing things we have liked and love that we think our readers will like too. Because of #secondhandseptember I haven’t done that much shopping other than school uniform necessities and homeschool supplies, but we have been sent a few things and there are some snacks and treats we […]


Stuff we loved January 2020. Food and fun

*This blog post contains affiliate links which earn my some income if you click and make a purchase via a link shared here* Welcome to our January 2020 edition of Stuff we Loved. Sharing things, places, food, and useful bits and pieces we think you might like. Please note that some links may be to […]


Stuff we love June 2019

Welcome to our June edition of Stuff we Love. Sharing things, places, food and useful bits and pieces we think you might like. Please note that some links may be to work I have done with brands or may be an affiliate link which earns me a small amount of revenue if you click and […]