6 Tips for Supporting Your Foster Child’s Mental Health

Mental health issues are common in foster children, particularly those who have experienced trauma, disruption, or adverse childhood experiences. As someone these children have come to trust and rely on, you are in a unique position to make a positive difference. Here are six key tips to help you support your foster child’s well-being: 1. Create a Predictable Routine […]


Pizza Bianca with pesto

I am not a fan of pizza with tomato based sauces, so when I discovered that pizza bianca is actually a thing, I was delighted. This is how I like to serve mine. But as with any recipe, you can tweak ingredients, and pizza toppings are always so personal (except for pineapple, that’s just an […]


Tips on how to feed someone with Coeliac disease

Feeding someone with coeliac disease requires careful attention to their dietary needs and preferences. Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition where the ingestion of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, triggers an immune response that damages the small intestine. Managing this condition involves avoiding gluten-containing foods to prevent symptoms and long-term complications. […]


A Christmas Holiday Giveaway

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 2023 is on it’s way fast and the festive season has already started. We are delighted to be working with our lovely group of bloggers again to host a Christmas holiday giveaway for all our readers with some amazing prizes to be had. You can spoil yourself […]


Keeping pets safe during Christmas

As we plan for Christmas, with shopping, eating, gifting, time with family, we need to remember our furry family members and keeping pets safe during Christmas. It’s essential to remember that our pets may need special attention to ensure their safety and well-being. Christmas, in particular, poses various dangers and hazards for our pets, and […]


An Etsy Christmas wish list

With Christmas coming, I thought I would share some of my Etsy Christmas wish list with you, and you never know, it might give you some ideas as you plan your Christmas shopping. I am a big fan of Esty and often will browse there looking for items, when I need a hand made gift, […]


Gluten free pastry recipe

If you are delving into the world of gluten free pastry for the first time, then you may feel a bit twitchy about it. I understand that, as someone who is still conquering her anxiety around getting gluten free food to be as good as it’s gluten filled peers but this gluten free pastry recipe […]


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