Rosalena Facial Oils

I am not a person who tries a lot of new things on my skin, I tend to stick to what I know, and my skin care regime is pretty basic and simple. I don’t like fuss, or things that take huge effort to use or get used to.

I recently discovered an amazing product, though and love it so much, I wanted to share about it.

I have to say, if you had told me a few years ago, that a skin oil, would be doing my skin the power of good, I would have laughed at you, told you my skin was way to greasy to put anything oily on it, and thought you were mad for suggesting it.

However, I am now a convert to using oils on my face. I use an oil for cleansing when I have had a day or night of wearing a lot of make up and in the morning and evening I use some of the lovely oils from Rosalena


Rosalena is a range of daily moisturising face oils using only natural ingredients carefully chosen for maximum skin benefit. We love the story that each one of our ingredients brings to your Rosalena experience. These beauty oils absorb directly into the epidermis where they instantly go to work. The result: shine free hydration with vitamins & botanical boosters to brighten, nourish & protect your skin; one oil for all your needs. 

People think that using an oil on their face will make it greasy, spotty and clog pores. I have to admit, I was also worried about putting any kind of make up on after using a facial oil, because I was worried about it all sliding off.

Rosalena have this to say, about their lovely products, some mythbusters and advice.

Face Oils are great for oily skin. This is because they balance and mimic the skin’s natural sebum, leaving you shine free & hydrated.

Which oil to use? Consider using more than just one face oil. Our range of face oils takes into consideration that our skin changes every day; hormones, seasons, environmental, diet, stress & lack of sleep (never mind a big night out). So YOU get to match your oil according to how you feel and what your daily skincare needs are.

A good starting point is to opt for the smell you like the most. With ingredients like Rose Otto,

Jasmine and Sweet Orange, the aromatherapeutic qualities are calming and delightfully soothing.

The application of your face oils is as important as the results you will see.

A mindful moment every day benefits more than just your skin! Pause, Breathe Be.

Oils don’t block pores – dead skin cells do. Exfoliate away those dead skin cells and follow with your favourite Rosalena Oil to re – balance and hydrate.

Be gentle! Over cleansing is a common problem which leads to excess sebum production a vicious circle begins!

Unlike a cream, the molecules in our face oils are so small they penetrate directly into the skins’ living cells; delivering hydration, vitamins & antioxidants right to where they work best. The result: shine free, radiant, younger looking skin.

There are four different oils, and you can choose one, or several, depending on what your skin needs (although, I like the smell of all of them, so it’s very hard for me to choose just one favourite)


Rosa5I have to say, I am a total convert. I have lots of reasons why I love these oils and now use them as part of my daily skincare regime. I currently use Rock & Rose in the mornings, and Love & Me in the evevenings, but Frank & Sense and Beauty & The Beast also smell divine and work well too. Their facial toner spray is a firm favourite of mine now too, aptly named Goodness & Tonic. I keep mine in the fridge, it’s great for a boost to my skin in the morning.

They smell divine, and feel really luxurious on my skin, a bit of a treat after a long day, or just to boost my skin, first thing in the morning and help me start the day well.

There are no harsh chemicals or nasties hidden in them. Each skin oil is made from pure and natural botanical ingredients.

They don’t make my greasy or oily, and my make up doesn’t slide off when applied on top of the oils. In fact, the oils really do sink into my skin, and my face isn’t shiny when they are absorbed.

They realty do seem to make my skin look and feel better. I am getting to a certain age, where I want to look after my skin more than I have, and these oils have made a difference to how my skin looks and feels.

The product also lasts a long time, you don’t have to put lots on your skin, and you can adjust how much you need. I have oily ish skin on my nose, forehead and chin, and dry skin on my cheeks, and around my eyes. I find these oils work well in both areas and help with both problems.

They don’t block my pores, and I haven’t had any spots or break outs, since I started using them.

Rosalena have kindly offered to give away one bottle of each oil, in their range, to 4 people. Each person will get a bottle to try and enjoy. All you have to do, is to head to Rafflecopter and follow the instructions. I would love to hear why you would like to try some of these facial oils, which reason that I have shared, would be why you would chose them.

Terms & Conditions:
UK entrants only
No cash alternatives.
4 winners will be chosen and sent a bottle of facial oil
Winners will be notified by e-mail within 24 hours of the giveaway ending.
Entrants must complete the required sections, including leaving a comment. 
Ends 31st May 2015



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Family Fever
Posted in Everything else and tagged Beauty, Facial oils, Rosalena Facia Oils, skin care, Skin friendly.


  1. Hello from another cloth nappy enthusiast! I really enjoyed reading your Guardian article and get the feeling I’ll be enjoying your blog too 🙂
    Rosalena sounds lovely. My skin has been looking a wee bit tired since my first was born seven months ago, so anything to make it look and feel better gets a thumbs up from me!

  2. No harsh chemicals or nasties – The reason I use natural skincare as I have contact dermatitis and I can’t use chemicals so made a change a few years ago to natural.
    I have never looked back.

    These looks fabulous, something I would love!

    I also agree that oils can help stop over production of facial oils and this is one of the reasons I use them.
    My skin isn’t oily since I popped them in my skincare routine a few years ago.

  3. Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please we let me have the chance to be in with a chance

  4. I love facial oils and these sound excellent. Anything that smells divine is good with me. (The last organic facial oil I tried smelt like compost. Rev T complained so much I had to use it early in the evening so the smell dispersed by bedtime!).

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