Cats needs some Christmas Treats too… Happy Catvent!

It’s the first day of December, and for many people (including adults) that means getting out advent calendars and having 24 days of something special in the countdown to Christmas Day. Some people have chocolate filled calendars, some have traditional paper ones, some people do candles and you can even get calendars with beauty treats or gin in them… 

But what about your pets? It only seems fair to the cats in our life, here in the Mad House, get a treat too. 

Why do the big and small humans get all the fun? We want Advent Calendar treats too…

The lovely team at MoreThan have come up with some fabulous ideas for treats for your pets this Christmas, from specially warm Christmas Jumpers to tasty snacks they may like but if you are feeling really creative you could come up with something fun and make your own advent calendar for your pets. 

We have made a Catvent Calendar for our cats. It was quite a lot of fun, and involved some creative thinking, but it worked out really well, and the cats have something to look forward to every day too. I have had to put it out of their reach, or they would help themselves to the treats all in one go…

It’s quite easy… You can see how to with this step by step guide…


Mine doesn’t look quite as pretty, but the cats don’t seem to mind, as long as they get their treat…

So, have you made special plans for your pets this year? Cans of tuna and catnip all round, say Jasper and Layla…

*this is a collaborative post*





Posted in Pet's Corner.