Dear people in my phone…

Dear people in my phone. 

I just wanted to say thank you. 

You are in my phone. We communicate via WhatsApp, or Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. We possibly don’t know each other in “real life” or we don’t see each other often, but we communicate on our phones. 

You don’t know how much your support and input has meant to me, recently. The kind words, the messages, the thoughtful life advice, the funny things you have shared, or just the standing in the gap, sharing your perspective to help me to know I am not alone. It has all helped. 

People are rude about how much we rely on our phones, and our use of social media. Perhaps sometimes they have a point. Real life does have to be lived. 

BUT, people in my phone, you have been a lifeline of kindness and love, bringing smiles, and even tears of gratitude, particularly in these last few weeks, when I have struggled with things that life has been thrown at me, and balanced my mental health needs with the demands going on around me. You have helped in ways you may not understand or realise. 

You have made me grateful for someone to talk to at 3am when anxiety is keeping me awake. Or at 5:45am when I have been woken up by a small child, and we share our mutual sleep deprivation woes. You have made me laugh or at least smile when the day I have been having has felt like it would never end. You have supported me in ways that people in my actual life, haven’t had the capacity or the understanding to manage. 

Some of you I will be able to hug and thank in real life. Remind me when I see you, that I owe you that. But if I never actually meet you in person, please know that I have appreciated your contact and I will continue to. 

Dear people in my phone. You have been a lifeline when I have needed it. I am glad you are there…


Posted in Everything else and tagged Anxiety, community support, friendship, mental-health, social media.


  1. Funny, I was just thinking the same general thing! While I haven’t posted in FOREVER, I love being able to read my fav blog posts! It comforting and reassuring to know someone is out there living an awesome life until I can get going again! Keep on, my dear! So cute.☺️ And, thanks for being in my phone!!

  2. I talk to my parents everyday because they live in Brazil. I can`t even imagine living without those technologies to help me to deal with daily issues and general conversation. Yes, it’s great to know that there are people out there that you can count on for a chit chat or more serious talk xx

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