*This is a collaborative post with Secret Projects*
Secret Projects asked us if we wanted to work on something, we were very excited and keen. We love their bags and other projects that they make and they are working hard to support women, which is something I value. I am always very keen to encourage creativity in my kids and the teenager asked for and was given a sewing machine for Christmas, and has been full of enthusiasm to make things with it. She is learning how to use it and so far has enjoyed making some small cushions and learned to repair some of her clothes. I think this is not only a great life skill but also learning how to be greener.
““We work with charities and NGOs based in India. These organisations link us to women who want to earn a living but who need help finding those opportunities. The organisations meet with the women, often in community centres, and they create an environment in which the women can meet, sew together and support each other. The groups of women who sew are called Maker Networks. Secret Projects then runs a training session using our POWER mantra to teach the women to make Secret Pillows. Importantly, we provide a route to market for what they have made – the final link in the chain they previously lacked. They are supported with training & development and the ultimate goal is for the women to become financially independent”
They have challenged us to create something with some material they have sent us.
We have a pile of beautiful scraps of fabrics, made from sari fabric and we are going to create something from them.

After a bit of thought, we have decided to use this relatively easy bag pattern and make a tote bag. We are going to create a larger piece of fabric with the materials in patchwork form, then we will sew that fabric together to create the bag.
If we have any leftover material we will make a cushion. Those are easy to make.
We are excited and hopefully will come up with a beautiful bag that does justice to the fabrics as well as being useful. It’s going to be a test of our sewing skills.
Watch this space next week to see how we get on…