Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics.

Last week we were told we could ease lockdown slightly. For us, it hasn’t made much difference, and we are carrying on as we were with possibly a little bit more outside for socially distanced exercise and fresh air time which has been helpful.
We have had a quiet but busy week. Work is quite busy for the husband and he has to juggle working with the rest of us around, negotiating zoom classes we are part of for the boy and tech crisis for a teenager who is like her mother and can’t cope when her tech isn’t working.
We have become firm friends with the local swans who now have six fluffy babies, that we are feeding regularly and I have made some face masks to wear when we go out (rare, but I have to go to the pharmacy this week so watch this space for a mask-wearing selfie if I am feeling brave.
You can see our weekly round-up of what we have been up to here, but this is my favourite photo. My boys. You can definitely tell they are related, they even dress the same… They both desperately need hair cuts and as barbers and hairdressers won’t be open til July here, apparently it’s up to me to do something about the shaggy hair. If it goes ok you will know about it, but if it doesn’t we may need therapy and marriage counseling pretty urgently. Wish me luck.

So that was our week in photos. I hope this week has treated you kindly too…

I hope it all goes well with the hair cuts, have to say rather you than me! :/ You will be fine though, deep breaths! I cannot wait to see your face masks, we have been busy making some too, it’s great to sit back at night and chill out sewing… my lines seem to be getting straighter so I’m definitely learning! π
I bet the signets are super cute and fluffy, it’s great to see nature relaxing more at the moment. We have been lucky enough to see deer on our front garden, amazing to see them being brave whilst we stay inside!
Hope you had a lovely weekend and here’s to another week! Sim x #Project366
Our masks are very boring because I am not that creative but they hopefully will do the job. Working on the hair cuts still. π
I can’t wait to see you in your face mask. I think it’s going to become the new normal before long.
hehehe! Your hubby and your son really do look alike. x
Your husband and son do look so similar! All three of my men dress similarly and I’ve got a photo of my husband and younger son on the blog this week dressed (unintentionally) identically in white Tshirts and the same brand of shorts. I hope the haircuts went well! The buzzcuts my sons had at the start of lockdown turned out to be a good idea. My daughter did my husband’s haircut the other day and she did a remarkably good job.
We ended up not doing it as I want to watch a couple more YT videos on how to, to make sure I am confident. They are like two peas in a pod!
I bought some basic masks this week, in case I need to wear them for the food shop, althouhg my brother said noone’s been wearing hem in the local shop, just the staff there.
Thankfully N and the OH cut their hair – now N’s in’t quite as severe as it’s grown back, and it’s not a bad job. It’s just mine that needs doing because it’s really flat on top, tangly and lots falling out (way more than normal) and is like a triangle in shape. It’s going to be a long time before it gets cut!
Yeah, July before we can get our hair cut if the infection rates go down. We may all be sporting stylish mullets by then! π
Love the photo of your boys together in their matching outfits. The easing of restrictions hasn’t really changed anything for us either, other than being able to visit Jessica’s forever bed. How lovely to see the baby swans. #project366
OoOo swans! Here restrictions are being lightened for Eid celebration; I’m not sure that is helpful. Hahahhah yeah I suppose its easy to mess up boy’s hair. Cute twinning
Aww your boys look so cute in their matching outfits. We haven’t changed up here until next week. The baby swans are so cute xx
I think carrying on as you were is the sensible move at the moment.
Nice you are still getting out and it is amazing to see how quick the cygnets will grow,
My boys hair looks awful. I have bought some hairdressing scissors as the clippers I bought still have not arrived
I keep threatening to do the boys. My husband will not let me anywhere near his at all! I am the same when my tech is not working. It drives me bonkers!
I’m just going to grow my hair out until I can stick it in a pony tail, will be a long time before I go back to a hairdressers despite them opening soon. I’ve had a few social distanced visits this week, but I’m not doing anything else different with the lockdown being eased a little. Lovely getting to watch the cygnets grow
How lovely that you are looking after the family of swans. I thought I did a bad job, cutting my husband and son’s hair, but after seeing some pics on Instagram in the last week I decided I actually was OK, in comparison. Good luck with the hair cuts!
I am so confused about face masks….hardly see anyone wearing them..some say they don’t help..some say they do….Have ordered some though.
Good luck with the hair cuts!
I could rant about what we should and shouln’t be doing and how badly the government has handled it all, but I won’t… π