Welcome to Get Fit Mum and me getting back on the horse. Not literally, of course, because we don’t own a horse and I haven’t ridden a horse for a long time. But, me sharing about getting myself into better shape, again, after a long, long period of being inactive first due to knee surgery and loosing my fitness mojo, and then Covid lockdown life and being partly unable and partly unmotivated to be as active as I was before Coronavirus hit the UK and the world.
This is week one. The weigh in, the clothes try on and the reality of getting back on the horse.

I will not be sharing specific numbers in this blog series. The aim will be to get me back to a place where I feel comfortable in my clothes and also in healthier shape. I do need to loose some weight. I need to exercise more.
I am not doing this because society tells me to, or because somehow I feel obligated to please other people or feel fat shamed.
My reality is that my body doesn’t feel good or well, beyond a certian size for me. Carrying extra weight puts pressure on my joints, including my left knee which has been surgically repaired and partially replaced and weight gain puts pressure on that and causes damage to my knee that we can’t afford to happen. I also have a very mild heart valve murmur which is bengin, but does cause me to feel more breathless when I carry more weight. When I was pregnant it made me feel more tired and breathless (we only realised it was an issue when I was pregnant, and I was carrying pregnancy weight and fluid and feeling a little unwell) I don’t feel healthy or in great shape health wise so for me, this is personal.
This week is week 1:
Goal setting, planning exercise time, looking at meal plans and what I want to eat versus what I feed my family, self care, and being motivated. I am using My Fitness Pal, to help me track. I am CatsKidsChaos over there if you are on there and feel like helping me motivate myself.
I plan to talk about food restrictions, eating when hungry, calorie counting or not, cutting out carbs, and what works for me, and what doesn’t.
I have a long term goal, and a short term goal. Both will help me get back to feeling healthier and feeling more like my old self.

So here goes. Back on the horse, again. Get Fit Mum.
Wishing you the best of luck with getting fit.
I have put a bit of extra weight on during lockdown which I do need to lose. It has been hard during the colder months but I am finding my motivation from exercise again now that it is a bit brighter out x