Get Mum Fit – back on the horse again

Welcome to Get Fit Mum and me getting back on the horse. Not literally, of course, because we don’t own a horse and I haven’t ridden a horse for a long time. But, me sharing about getting myself into better shape, again, after a long, long period of being inactive first due to knee surgery […]


BMI is NOT the be all and end all…

So I recently shared about weight loss and how I have worked hard to loose some weight, in order to get myself to a healthier place. I have been feeling pretty good generally and pleased with my efforts and also conscious of the need to continue to look after my body. So when I went […]


Diabetes and Feeding my Family – A guest post

Diabetes and feeding my family – Germaine Waters (  There is no such thing as a “diabetic diet”!!! We should all eat high fibre, low fat, balanced glycemic index and calories to suit our lifestyle! I know that’s a contentious statement. It was meant to be, but it is also the way I live despite […]


No juice please, I don’t like it…

At the end of January, this year, I met with a friend of mine, a qualified nutritionist at some sessions she provided to a group of people wanting to change their eating habits, loose some weight and make changes to their lifestyles to improve their health. One of the things she and I worked through […]