Welcome to our homeschool week and how I plan and work with our son to home educate him. If you follow us on our Facebook or Instagram you will know that whilst I have one child in school, I also home educate our son. This is how we do it.
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Last week we were full of grand plans and then back to school and normal life after the holidays hit us. Facebook likes to remind me every year at about this time, usually about three weeks into the term for the teen and normal activities for kiddo and I, that we all go down with some sort of evil cold bug. This year is no exception to that apparent rule we didn’t sign up for. I spent the weekend last weekend and the start of the week feeling less than stellar, and then it hit the kids. Fortunately we seem to be over the worst of it bar fruity coughs and this time seem to have avoided a hospital trip for the teen for her asthma, which is always a risk, her chest and UK winters are not good friends at all. She also didn’t have to miss any school which is good because she is in her GCSE final year and doesn’t want to miss any days if she can avoid it.
The joys of home education at least for kiddo and I is that we are flexible. If he isn’t well I am not worrying about school attendance or catching him up. We can just roll with it for a few days and he can rest and recover and we carry on. It did mean our plans to try out a new local home ed group and a trip to London and his ballet classes were cancelled for the week but that can’t be helped and we will now, hopefully be getting on with normal, and hopefully the winter germs will hold off and leave us alone for a few weeks at least now.
Our week is looking reasonable, and we are going to attempt to go into London for a trip to the Natural History museum before he goes to ballet in London, which we both are looking forward to and was postponed from last week. We had also planned to see a friend this week but unfortunately they have Covid so we may not be able to.
Otherwise our week looks like this:
Monday – we normally have a maths tutor session but that has moved to Friday this week. He has a violin lesson and art class and will also have some independent work to do set by me and some homework for his French tutor tomorrow.
Tuesday – he has a French lesson, and also ballet class. I have also set him a research task to do and also to plan his trip to the Natural History Museum tomorrow. He’s also trying to teach me how to play chess using this game*. It’s not easy going because I am not a good student… π
Wednesday – we are off to the Natural History Museum. We will take some school work and find a space in the members only area to get that done, then we will explore the museum and have lunch. We will head to ballet after that in Covent Garden.
Thursday – maths, history, literacy, biology. This is a quiet day with a possible home ed group meet up if we feel like it. He has ballet and also Scouts which means a late night but he loves the group and it’s done wonders for his confidence and developing life skills.
Friday – He has a maths tutor session, a singing lesson, Science time with Dad and swimming and he’s at Youth Group in the evening.
Saturday – it’s a quiet day with just gymnastics and a tap class
Sunday – a well deserved day off.
So that’s our homeschool week. As always, feel free to ask questions in the comments, or you can drop us a message via social media too…
Yep! We’ve had the back to school cold too. Ugh! I am glad you are all feeling better now. We are just left with a bit of a snotty nose.
It sounds like a busy week.