Welcome to Meal Plan Monday. Where we share what we are eating and how I plan our meals as a family who deal with food allergies and coeliac disease (which is NOT a food allergy, but an auto immune disease) whilst shopping within a budget, mostly at Asda and Aldi.

Last week we were back to normal and into the swing of January, although I must confess I do struggle with January, every year so as we slide to the end of the month, I am not sad. Winter is not my favourite time of the year, at any point, but January does often feel a bit brutal after the Christmas festivities. Is it just me?
Our week is relatively calm but I have kept the meals easy and familiar.
Monday – toad in the hole. This is a huge family favourite, and I make it gluten free and dairy free as well.
Tuesday – gnocchi and meatballs. I roast our gnocchi which makes it a bit like little baby roast potatoes and a yummy way to eat them.
Wednesday – Pesto pasta, which is always a staple but after a day of home education group and ballet it’s filling for hungry tummies.
Thursday – is my use up everything in the fridge day, because whilst I plan from Monday’s we actually grocery shop on a Friday and I try to reduce food waste as much as I can.
Friday – curry and rice
Saturday – we are having an afternoon tea with a friend, which means we will be saving our empty tummies for all the cake and delicious treats. We will probably be so full of cake that dinner will be snacky and light.
Sunday – I have some salmon that needs to be cooked and eaten, so I may make some sort of rice and salmon dish. We are in London for a ballet audition so kiddo will be hungry after that and rice is always easy and filling.
And that, as they say is that, and our meal plan for this week.
What are you eating this week?