Easy family friendly smoothie recipe…

 MamaMummyMum shares a easy family-friendly smoothie recipe, We are big fans of smoothies which are so easy to make and you can pretty much throw any fruit or veg into them and they work well for breakfast or snacks. I find sneaking in fruit and veg my kids won’t normally eat works well too. Smoothies […]


Skinnies Silk Skinware for eczema

*This is a review post. All opinions are our own* When I was training as a student nurse in London, I spent time on a Dermatology ward, and learned a lot about various skin conditions, that can cause many problems for children and adults. I worked with children with severe eczema and other issues, and […]


You are not your age…

I am 38 today. I am slowly realising that is just a number. The poem below says it best. I have to remind myself, constantly. You are not your age, Nor the size of the clothes you wear, You are not a weight, Or the color of your hair. You are not your name, Or […]


Dr Google is NOT a real doctor…

Fact, Dr Google is not a real doctor. Facebook is  not a hospital. On-line chat rooms are not a replacement for proper medical advice and your second cousin twice removed, who once had a verruca frozen off, is not the expert on podiatry that she thinks she is…. Ok, before I start my whine, I would […]


Anxiety is not logical

 (image source) Anxiety, be it long term, or short term, a temporary thing that strikes, or a mental condition that someone is struggling with, is not logical. I have always known this. Usually I can talk myself down, or be talked down, when something is pressing on my mind, sending it’s nasty little thoughts into […]


White and mint tea recipe.

I am not a fan of herbal teas, or green or white teas, to be honest. I find them very tart or bitter, and the only way I can drink them is by adding a lot of sugar or honey, which probably then negates the benefits of the actual tea. I do like Earl Grey […]


Don’t diss Eurovison…

So, having seen some very grumpy, uncharitable remarks on social media today about how rubbish and pointless Eurovision is, I have risen from my sick bed (having been struck down by a tummy lurgy, I am dizzily typing whilst sipping flat cola, this is how cross I am!)  to give anyone who wants to moan […]