Glue ear diagnosis.

(Image sourced from an ENT website, with permission) So, if you have been following me here, Facebook or Twitter, you will know we have had some major ongoing sleep issues with our boy. We suspected he was suffering from recurrent ear infections, with very few actual symptoms, and we have been working our way to […]


The blog post where I talk about sleep, AGAIN!

Unrelated but annoyed looking cat. Sums up how we feel about sleep… Oh look, she’s blogging about sleep, or lack of it, again, I hear you mutter. Yes, I am going to talk about sleep, and probably sound a bit whiney, but this is more of an update post, than anything else. We recently discovered that […]


I hate being the tooth fairy…

I read a blog post recently by the lovely Tara who blogs at Sticky Fingers, on the topic of  wobbly teeth,  and I chuckled and agreed with her, because frankly, I am not excited by the whole child loosing teeth thing, and it actually grosses me out, but  I kind of put it to the […]


So, do we have an answer….?

Or at least we hope, we have worked out why Small Boy may not be sleeping so well. I am kicking myself, and feel very guilty, that I should have worked it out sooner, but now we know, and hopefully we can work our way to a solution. At Christmas time, Small Boy got flu, […]


When you realise they can read, it’s magic

Parenting has lots of amazing moments, and this is one of mine. When you realise they can read, it’s magic My six-year-old can read… I know most children her age are in the process of learning to read, being taught at home and at school. I have known she could “read”, as in sound out words […]


So, what do you do?

When your child is one of those toddlers/children who is feisty,  has a healthy pair of lungs, and is going through that wonderful tantrum stage that those of us who have experienced know so well, and those of us who had children who never went through it, sigh with relief that it’s not their child turning […]


Why we use cloth nappies?

  When people (usually Mum’s, but I have been asked by curious Dad’s, Grandparents and childcare providers) see that my Small boy is wearing a cloth nappy or I happen to mention that we use them, the first questions they ask is: but aren’t they a hassle? Don’t they make life more complicated? How do […]


My thing about Fruit Shoots….?

I have got myself a reputation as a FruitShoot hater. It is common knowledge amongst my friends that I don’t like them and  I will never willingly buy the drink for my children. I however, am NOT one of those parents who swoops down on their child at parties and events and won’t allow them to […]