3 Ways to Make Working from Home More Enjoyable

We hope this collaborative post sharing 3 ways to make working from home more enjoyable is helpful as we all adapt to changes and working from home more. In today’s marketplace, working from home is extremely common. The pandemic saw remote working skyrocket, as employees from all industries were forced to find new ways of […]


My Sunday Photo -ugly but adorable

I’ve never actually seen a baby flamingo in real life before. Snapped a shot of these at Birdland in Bourton on the Water this week. A little ugly, but I also think adorable. All babies are beautiful in their own way. My other question is do flamingo mind U.K. weather given that it’s not naturally […]


Business cards make the first impression

*This is a collaborative post sharing why business cards make the first impression and why you need to make sure your business cards make a GOOD impression* A few weeks ago, I scribbled my name and number down on a piece of paper to give to someone. The paper was torn from a notebook and […]


I love wearing a bra. Don’t hate me.

  I love wearing a bra. There, I said it. Don’t hate me.  I feel like the odd one out, in society. I am not someone who walks in the house and rips off her bra in delight. I don’t want to “free the boobies”. I actually hate being braless.  I was one of those […]