her empty chair

Her Empty Chair – Sunna Coleman

It’s always hard to do a book review without giving away the entire plot or sharing too many spoilers, but I hope that this review of Her Empty Chair by Sunna Coleman gives you enough of a taste to want to get your own copy and find out what happens. This post may contain affiliate […]


The Quantam Grail – JD Redvale

The husband has kindly stepped in for this review of The Quantam Grail, by JD Redvale as the genre of this book is right up his street. So in his own words, hopefully without too many spoilers, he’s sharing his thoughts on the book. This book may contain affiliate links. These will be marked with […]


Zero Risk – Simon Hayes

The author Simon Hayes came up with the theme of the book in the middle of the night and I am glad he remembered when he woke up and created the gripping novel that became Zero Risk. This post may contain affiliate links. These are marked with *. If you click through the link and […]


Generation Hope – Arunjay Katakam 

This is a review post for Generation Hope: How Inclusive Economics Can Help Us All Thrive by Arunjay Katakam. *This post may contain affiliate links which if you click through and make a purchase will generate me a small amount of revenue. These links will be marked with * for your reference. Reviewing a book […]


Archie and the Lawlor Cat Hotel

*This is a book review. We were kindly sent a copy to preview and read* You know if you are a regular reader of this blog that cats are a thing. We think we own them, but actually they own us and are very much in charge. That’s the theme for the book Archie and […]


Clever Tykes

*This is a review post, we were kindly sent these books to review, but all opinions are our own* I am always on the look out for inspiring and interesting books for my kids to read, and enjoy. Sometimes that can hard, meeting their level of reading abilty and also finding books that appeal to […]