Layla 5th July 2005 – 22nd April 2022

It isn’t often a cat of character and personality comes along and steals your heart, hard, Layla did just that. She came to me/us at 6 weeks old. A tiny, slightly scruffy runt of an unwanted litter. I carried her home in my jumper, and with assistance from our vet, hand fed her, weaned her onto […]


The humans went away and left me…

They don’t call me #grumpycat for nothing, you know… They went away. They had the cheek to take themselves off to a fancy hotel, called a spa (I have no idea what that is, humans go to weird places) and they didn’t come back FOR A WHOLE TWENTY FOUR HOURS… They apparently needed a break […]


The 10% cat…

I don’t post often about the cats, but after sharing last week about how Layla came into our lives, and getting some nice comments I thought I would share a little more about her. She is no ordinary cat, in fact, our vet regards her as somewhat of a miracle kitty and when she goes […]


The Kitten that nobody wanted…

I don’t often write blog posts about the cats, even though they are part of the reason why the blog is named the way it is. I thought, however, that I might share Layla’s story with our readers. Layla came to us, unplanned. We had been thinking about getting a kitten, but because I was […]


She’s just a cat?

This is Layla, our 14-year-old, half Persian cat. We rescued her, when she was still very tiny, as the runt of an unplanned and unwanted litter (her mother was not meant to fraternize with the local feral tomcat, Layla and her two siblings were the result) and she is my first “baby”. That sounds silly, […]