The problem with glitter…

Actually, I don’t have a problem with glitter, in principle, but a LOT of people hate it. It’s something you either love or loathe. My husband cannot stand glitter and he gets pale and shaky at the thought of it entering our house. I think most people hate it because it is hard to clean […]


Greener items I take away on holiday.

*This is a not a sponsored post, although some of the brands mentioned I have worked with before and continue to use* I will cheerfully admit that we are not that good at being green about going on holiday. We would like to work on that. We do try to reduce waste, and use less […]


Is it possible to not buy new clothes?

The alterative title to this blog post should be “I have a massive hole in the ass of my jeans and I REALLY don’t want to go clothes shopping” because I have been wondering lately, about clothes shopping. I don’t particularly enjoy it. I like clothes, I like nice clothes, but because of the jobs […]


Reducing Your Energy Costs at Home: 3 Effective Ways

Energy efficiency is one of the biggest buzzwords that we read and hear on a day to day basis. More companies than ever are responding to the strong consumer demand for energy efficient products and services and building towards becoming more eco-friendly as part of their as part of their corporate social responsibility. However, responsibility […]


A personal war on paper coffee cups…

So, if you read this blog or follow me on any form of social media, you will know that I love my coffee. I drink a lot. It’s pretty much my main vice and my lifeline, because you also know we don’t get that much sleep round here, sometimes. Coffee helps me be a nicer […]