*This is a review post for Get Nourished. All opinions are our own*
As a busy working mum, I am often so tied up looking after my family and other people, that my needs come last. I am resolved to always try and do better than that, and look after me, so I can be at my best to look after everyone who needs me.
Get Nourished is helping me with that with their personalised vitamin system

Revolutionising the nutrition industry: one Nourished stack at a time
Our ambition is to change the way the world thinks, buys and experiences nutrition. That’s why we’ve worked tirelessly in the lab, collaborated with industry experts and utilised the advice of our own in-house nutritionists to create truly personalised nutrition.
It’s a really convenient way to personalize your vitamins and make sure you are getting what you need, for your body and health. You take the quiz on their site and customize your vitamins for you. There are lots of options depending on what you need.
I am very excited to be adding them to my daily routine, and have chosen a combination of anti-aging, health, skincare, and general energy as part of my chosen vitamin package. They are eco friendly, made with ingredients that are designed to be good for your body, and actually they are rather like a treat, than a vitamin tablet you take daily.

It’s a brillaint sysmem. You choose what you need and plan what works for you. Once a month a box arrives with delicious almost like a larger version of a gummy sweet or fruit pastil for each day, for you to take and that’s as simple as it gets. All you have to do is rememeber to take them daily and enjoy the benefits.

I will be sharing more in a few weeks about how I get on and the benefits for me from Get Nourished, and how they have worked for me. So come back and find out how I get on.