Welcome to our homeschool week and how I plan and work with our son to home educate him. If you follow us on our Facebook or Instagram you will know that whilst I have one child in school, I also home educate our son. This is how we do it.

I plan his work and education around his needs, using some curriculum and some other resources. Our typical week is very busy but we prefer it that way. Last week was fun with two days out, and a visit to the Natural History Museum (find out why I love being a member there here ) and we also went to visit The London Wetlands which was a stunning day out, we walked miles. We watched the otters being fed too which is always a treat. It started out very foggy and cold but then the sun came out and we saw lots of birds and explored.

This week is a bit quieter with no trips planned although we do have plans to go to Morden Hall Park next weekend for their Big Wetland Bird Watch. We hope the weather behaves for that.
Monday – a quiet morning with some literacy, maths, violin practice and an art class.
Tuesday – he’s coming to work with me, and will do some independent work on some history, geography and some French.
Wednesday – we have some gardening plans with some seeds to sew in our mini greenhouse and some digging for our veg patch, and he also has a ballet class in London.
Thursday – his friend returns from South Africa after a month away, and is coming over to play Minecraft and do some homeschool work together.
Friday – he’s got a maths tutor session, some science planned with his Dad (who takes over lessons on a Friday morning for me) and he also has a swimming lesson and singing lesson too. He goes to a local Youth Group twice a month on Friday evenings too, which he enjoys.
Saturday – he has French class, gymnastics and ballet stretch class.
That should keep him and I pretty busy.
We have some plans to go to The Transport Museum and also the Science museum as well in the next couple of weeks too, which I need to book.
Here’s to another busy week of learning for us both.
It sounds like your son has a great time with the home schooling. Good luck, I hope the weather is fine for the bird watching x
It sounds like you have such an exciting week planned. I love the sound of seeing the otters being fed at the London Wetlands. What a wonderful thing to experience!
The London Wetlands sounds like somewhere I’d love to take the kids to explore. They would enjoy seeing the otters being fed. Sounds like you guys had fun.
I like that you include so many visits to interesting museums into his schedule, but also time spent in nature. I am yet to go to the London Postal museum, but I’ve heard is fantastic.