Welcome to our homeschool week and how I plan and work with our son to home educate him. If you follow us on our Facebook or Instagram you will know that whilst I have one child in school, I also home educate our son. This is how we do it.

Last week was half term, and we have mostly enjoyed it. The weather was pretty rubbish but I guess we can’t really expect much else from February in the UK, can we?
We are dealing with some changes to our routine, which we both find hard. Our art classes are not happening at the moment, and his singing teacher has stopped for a while too. He enjoys both these classes so I am on the lookout for both singing lessons and art lessons. I am not able to teach him either of these things with a great level of skill so I am hoping we can sort something soon.
We have a tight routine which we both refer so any change always takes a bit of tweaking and adjusting to. We will get there though.
Our homeschool week so far looks like this:
Monday – he normally has a violin lesson but his teacher is away this week, so after his weekly maths tutorial, I have set him some World War 1 work to do (this is our current topic we are working on in history) and some science work he can do independently. I have some craft and art work he and I can do, that we will attempt too.
Tuesday – he comes to work with me, and he does maths, literacy and french independently and then he and I will work on follow up from his history work when I have finished work. He also has a ballet class.
Wednesday – we go into London for ballet in the afternoon, and we may meet a friend and go to the V&A to look at their ballet exibition that is running currently.
Thursday – he’s at a friends house, but will take some work with him.
Friday – we are all loving his science lessons with his dad, who takes over on Friday mornings, and teaches him science. I then take over and we cover some maths, geography and then he has a singing lesson and then we go swimming.
Saturday – he does ballet, gymnastics and has a French tuition session.
Sunday – this week is a day of rest, we have no plans at all.
I am really enjoying working with him on the WW1 topic, as it’s an area of interest of mine, so we are planning to go to the Imperial War Museum and also do some other project work too. I have taken the kids to various WW1 memorials, which has helped me teach both of them some history too.
So that is our homeschool week. Adjusting to change and back to normal routine.