My Sunday Photo

It’s incredibly rare for me to share a photo of myself, I don’t like pictures of me being taken, behind the camera is safer for me, but I couldn’t resist the unicorn balloon, so here I am… That’s Eunice the Unicorn by the way, the children named her ?


6 ways to improve your credit

Sometimes we wish we could go back in time and tell our past-selves off, especially when we realise we have a poor credit rating and need a loan, credit card or mortgage. Building this score up again can be a case of playing the slow game, and here are some tips on how! Photo Eliminate […]


How to save your house from bad weather…

There are just so many things that can cause damage to our homes. From existing problems with the structure or building, right through to our ignorance in solving them. While we can help prevent those issues – there’s one thing that we can’t prevent. Inclement weather.  From strong rains, to hurricanes and thunderstorms to hail […]


A personal war on paper coffee cups…

So, if you read this blog or follow me on any form of social media, you will know that I love my coffee. I drink a lot. It’s pretty much my main vice and my lifeline, because you also know we don’t get that much sleep round here, sometimes. Coffee helps me be a nicer […]