Christmas fun tag…

So the lovely Emma over at EmmaandFamily tagged me in a post asking me some questions about Christmas to share. I thought it might be fun.  What’s your favorite Christmas movie? – Home Alone 1 & 2. I don’t know why, maybe because it’s so silly and funny. My kids love them too, so we pull […]


A Brush with Death. 

I love a good mystery, and find nothing more satisfying than curling up with a good one, and usually not putting it down until I have finished it. If you  like a good murder mystery, filled with suspense, that will keep you on your toes then this a book I think you need to get […]



Tomorrow, I get on a plane. I’m heading to Greece, I’m flying alone, leaving my family behind, but it’s not for a holiday or some glamorous adventure. Tempting though it is, the idea of a week relaxing in a warm country, catching up on much needed sleep and time to myself. This trip has required […]