A thoroughly depressing scientific breakthrough!

I am usually excited by scientific discoveries, especially when they mean the world is closer to finding a cure for diseases like AIDS or cancer, or new treatments or genetic code breakthroughs, that mean we understand diseases or conditions better, and why they happen. I am fascinated by the human body, how it works, and […]


Parenting advice drives me MAD!

It’s not Ranty Friday yet, but it’s my blog, so I will rant on another day of the week if I want to! Actually, parenting advice doesn’t drive me mad, I have had some fabulous advice and support, from friends, family, Twitter, Facebook and here, on all manner of parenting things, and there are some […]


10 things about me….

I thought I would post a bit of randomness, about me, Mother Of the Mad Cats and Babies (although, they aren’t babies anymore, but I don’t want to change the name of the blog, because we might add another baby, at some point 😉 ) So, 10 things about me, little snippets or facts, that […]


So that Dove video?

 (Image source) I lost my cool slightly on Facebook, and I should know better. I posted a comment on my own, private Facebook page, about how I felt this video, which is doing the rounds on Facebook and Twitter, was pointless, and a marketing ploy for a huge company. I got told off, and lectured […]


Cold and flu killer soup….

 When I am sick, I want to eat simple, clean, tasty or spicy foods, and this recipe for Thom Yum Soup, which is a very simple soup with a real kick to it, ideal for clearing out stuffed up sinuses, and the chilli and garlic, I am convinced, help to kill some of the germs! […]


It’s NOT morning sickness!

Disclaimer, I am NOT pregnant. However, the Duchess of Cambridge is, and I am delighted for her and Prince William. We’re big Royal Family fans. I am not delighted at the fact that the poor woman is suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum and has been hospitalized for treatment. I feel incredibly sorry for her, having suffered from the […]