New Homeowners Money Saving Guide

*This is a collaborative post* Buying a home is not cheap and for many can end up begin the most expensive purchase of their lives. Saving wherever you can is important no matter your stage in life, but saving all the money you can after buying a new home is a must. So following this […]


Adding a collagen boost to my day

*This is a review post. I was kindly sent an item to try* I haven’t really made any firm resolutions this year, although self-care and taking care of me, is something I do want to try and focus on. I recently started to try and up my skincare game, and have added some supplements to […]


Our week in photos – Hello January

Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics. It is finally January 2020 and Christmas seemed to come and go fast. I love Christmas but it is good to […]


How to cut a cat’s claws?

*This blog post does contain an affiliate link which if you click on, and make a purchase does earn me some revenue* Nope, this isn’t one of those hilarious meme things on how to cut a cat’s claws about pinning a cat down and ending up needing a visit to the hospital for stitches. It […]