And just like that…

 Just like that, your kids grow up. One minute you are changing their nappies and worrying that they will never be potty trained and the next minute you are dealing with sending them off to secondary school, letting them spread their wings and go off without you and face the world with less of your […]


The Grass is Greener

If you have a garden, with a lawn, that needs looking after, maintenance, and time put into it, to keep it looking green and lush, then you know how much work that entails. We have a front garden, that takes a lot of effort to keep looking nice. We also live in an area that […]


Bringing fun to life with Mardles…

Have you heard of Mardles? We recently thoroughly enjoyed exploring them and getting creative with their app, making characters come to life and hiding rocks decorated with the special stickers that come alive when you use the app, for other people to find. Mardles are Kids’ Favourites with a 21st Century twist! Now Stickers, Colouring, Stories […]


How to Prepare Your Teen for a Trip Abroad

There are quite a few different reasons your teen might be preparing for a trip abroad. Even young teens often have the opportunity to participate in international travel experiences without their parents. These trips can be organized through school, church or an organization. They can be private group travel tours as well. Regardless of the […]


The stomach bug sucks…

If you don’t want to read my mini rant about the stomach bug, and where we are at with trying to get pregnant, then skip this post.  Last week, early on Tuesday morning, very early, I woke up feeling like I had  a very bad bout of indigestion. The husband and I had celebrated his […]