Celebrity Pregnancies give me hope…

Another day, another celebrity announces a life milestone that makes the headlines. We revel, rather nosily in the lives of the rich, famous or infamous, who are raised a level above us, and we hold in some sort of weird awe, despite that fact that under neath all the glitz, glam, fake tan, money and […]


How to let someone know you love them

*This is a collaborative post sharing some tips on how let someone know you love them, which we hope is helpful* To borrow a turn of phrase from Hugh Grant’s charming Prime Minister in a 2004 sitcom; “love, actually is all around us”. It’s easy to look past it, but it’s there! We may not […]


Bring New Life To The Festive Season This Year

*This is a collaborative post with some tips to help bring the festive season some new life this year* Feeling tired of the Christmas festive season rush? Most people find Christmas is the same thing year after year, after year. Get the Christmas present list, hope the presents arrive in the sales, get ready for […]


PURE cat food, approved by picky cats…

We have two cats. You probably know that by now, if you read this blog. We have Layla, who was my baby before the children arrived, and is grumpy, fluffy, has a taste for human food, and really doesn’t like anyone very much. We also have Jasper, who is naughty, greedy, cuddly and makes up […]


My dream vacation? Barbados

This is a collaborative post sharing one of the destinations on my holiday bucket list and one day I hope to actually visit Barbados and not just write about it. There are many places I would love to travel to, and visit. As a child I was fortunate enough to spend time in many countries, […]