Mental Health – Anxiety, PTSD & Me

I write about mental health, from my own perspective and more generally.

My journey is very personal but other people have chosen to take it very personally too and because there are people who would use what I write in a negative way, I feel the need for a layer of protection and for the time being I have chosen to make some of the mental health content of this blog private. Should you wish to read those posts please feel free to contact me here and we can chat.

One day there will be less stigma around the sharing of the mental health journey so many struggle with. We can but hope.

< class="sow-entry-title" style="margin: 0 0 5px;">When the stomach bug makes you anxious…

(This is what the virus that causes most stomach bugs looks like. Fairly innocent and innocuous until it hits your system and makes you ill!) No one likes the stomach bug. No one enjoys when it lurches it’s nasty way into your system, and makes you ill, and spreads to your family. It’s unpleasant, and… Continue reading

< class="sow-entry-title" style="margin: 0 0 5px;">Friday’s Rants from the Soap Box in My Living Room – Offended mother at the school gate…

Welcome to my Friday’s Rants from the Soap Box in my Living Room. A small space in the week where I can have a chunter about things that have made me twitch with annoyance or made me question if the world has gone mad or not…. I also linked up with MummyBarrow for her Ranty Friday. You… Continue reading

< class="sow-entry-title" style="margin: 0 0 5px;">Sleep Deprivation – What the books don’t tell you. Part 2

I have written some basics on our sleep story, and our battle with Small Boy’s sleep issues, and struggling with sleep deprivation over the last 2 years, here and here. This piece is a more expanded version, I plan to discuss the effects sleep deprivation has had on me, LSH, our relationship, and what lack of sleep,… Continue reading