Babywipes in the bathroom, but not for the kids…
As much as I know how bad babywipes are, they are damn useful. Babywipes have been part of my life, for a long time. I have used them in one way or another for nearly 22 years. I have wiped many bottoms, with them as a nanny, nurse, mum and working with small children generally. […]
READ MORE→If you are a hot woman, this post is for you…
I am hot. Pretty much all the time. Before you run away, bear with me. This is a family friendly blog and you will see where I am going with this in a minute, I promise and it’s not what you think. I am pretty much always hot. I struggle with temperature regulation. It’s partly […]
READ MORE→My Sunday Photo
A close up from an exhibition at Kew Gardens I visited this week.
READ MORE→Green Giving – 6 Environmentally Friendly Gifts Your Friends Will Love
Environmentally friendly gifts are fun and unique, and at the same time, they help you lessen your carbon footprint. They also help others reduce their impact on the planet. Unfortunately, green gifts often have a negative reputation for being expensive, and it’s hard to know if the recipient loves them as much as you […]
READ MORE→12 Ways to De-Stress Your Life
Don’t allow a hectic career or home life to impact your personal happiness. Actively look for ways to relieve unwanted stress and tension in your body. If you are unsure how to do so, take a look at the following 12 ways to de-stress your life. Go for a 10-Minute Walk Walking can increase your […]
READ MORE→Fall Home Maintenance Tips for New Homeowners
Buying a new home can be both exhilarating and scary, especially if you have been living in rentals. Here are some useful fall maintenance tips: Check the Weather Stripping Unless you are moving into a new house with new weather stripping, your house could benefit from new weather stripping. An entire year of closing and […]
READ MORE→Tips for Finding the Perfect Family Home
Depending on where you live, you might have a hard time finding an affordable home. The definition of cheap is relative, but you need some guidance to find an inexpensive house in your dream location. Here are some tips that will come in handy when you are looking for the perfect family home: Go for […]
READ MORE→Off the booze…
That’s right. You read it correctly. This gin loving, wine appreciating mum is off the booze. I started properly yesterday. I know visiting family and not having my usual Gin & Tonic, and refusing a glass of wine over lunch, this past weekend/New Year’s Day caused raised eyebrows. I am sure there are rumors that […]
READ MORE→The ramblings of a middle aged insomniac, chronic insomnia sucks…
At the rate I am going, I will be changing the name of this blog to “the ramblings of a middle aged insomniac”. Basically the day that I stop writing about sleep, will probably be the day I hang up my blogging hat… Chronic insomnia sucks. It’s miserable. It’s also annoying to deal with now, […]
READ MORE→I am not here to fit into “your world”
I am here to make the world my own… I think this expression sums up how I feel. I was bored, recently, one evening, waiting for a small child to settle to sleep, doing my usual cruise through social media to see what was happening beyond the four walls of my life, and I came […]
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