Jaded with Instagram…

Yup, it’s another person moaning about Instagram. Because we need one more voice having a whine. But it’s Friday and I haven’t done a Friday Rant for a while, so I am letting loose. We all know by now (and if you don’t you clearly live under a social media free rock, somewhere, which is […]


Making skin glow. This mum needs that.

Now I am past forty, I am really realizing that I need to take my skin care more seriously, and look after the skin I have, to help it age as gracefully as possible, and prevent future issues if possible. I have quite dry skin but also struggle with oily areas, and I do have […]


Our week that was in photos…

We haven’t done a weekly photo update for a good while, for some reason, I got overwhelmed and stopped them, but they are back and you can find out what we have been up to, it’s usually slightly crazy, and cake, cats and coffee feature somewhere… I had fairly hefty knee surgery on Monday. So […]


Simple Solutions For The Shy Haggler

Us English are notoriously bad at haggling. That may be because of our manners. Or, perhaps it’s more to do with the fact that haggling isn’t a part of our culture. Shop owners in some countries expect customers to drill them for a bargain. If we did the same here, we would receive some funny […]


Name stickers for a good cause…

My kids have  A LOT of stuff, and most of it, they reassure me is needed and part of the essentials of life (can someone explain to me why a child needs three pencil cases please?) and that they use it all and it all really has a purpose. Things for school, things for dance […]


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