Summer time, wedding time…

Summer time, for me, means a few things. The children are on holiday, for their long summer break. The weather, mostly becomes warmer and sunnier and we can be outside enjoying the sunshine. Also summer can mean lots of weddings. We have in fact got two weddings coming up over the next few months of […]


We have lost the coffee – a book review…

With a book title like that, I simply couldn’t resist, could I?  From the author of We have Lost the Pelicans, and We have Lost the President, comes a third mystery novel. I thoroughly enjoyed both, so was anticipating enjoying this one, and I wasn’t disappointed.  Out now and available on Amazon  and Amazon UK  […]


Reducing Your Energy Costs at Home: 3 Effective Ways

Energy efficiency is one of the biggest buzzwords that we read and hear on a day to day basis. More companies than ever are responding to the strong consumer demand for energy efficient products and services and building towards becoming more eco-friendly as part of their as part of their corporate social responsibility. However, responsibility […]


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