Getting tough jobs done with Surcare Sensitive washing powder
When your family has sensitive skin, particularly your children, laundry can be a bit of a challenge. You want clothes and other things to come out of the washing machine clean and smelling fresh, but if you have children like mine, who do like to keep me on my toes with lots of “been in […]
READ MORE→It’s time to get a cat flap
It’s time to get a cat flap We can deny it no longer. We can bear it no longer (well, when I say we, I mean LSH mostly, because he’s the one who mostly deals with it because I often pretend to be asleep, ssssh, don’t tell him) when at 3am, the cats decide that […]
READ MORE→Convenient Pre-Natal vitamins?
We are currently trying to add a third small human to the Mad House of Cats & Babies (the cats will not approve, Emily wants a baby sister, Matthew wants a baby brother, so there is no pressure at all on me ;)) One thing that is important when trying to conceive and in the […]
READ MORE→When you drop the parenting ball…
And your child picks it up? At the moment, I am tired, more than a little preoccupied with juggling a lot of spinning plates. Work, personal life, family stuff are all keeping my brain buzzing, and today I pretty much dropped the ball on parenting and my child picked it up. My small son has […]
READ MORE→School Valentine’s Disco – bah humbug!
My children are nine and almost six. They have no idea what romance is. They make like to make sick noises and laugh when their father and I show each other affection, because “kissing is gross”. They have no idea what Valentines Day is other than it’s a day that they give us cards they […]
READ MORE→I’d like to know something about school dinners?
So our government is constantly saying that parents don’t feed their children properly, that children are inactive, obesity levels are skyrocketing, that there’s too much sugar in food. They also tell us that school dinners are the answer to making sure our children are fed well during the school day. In fact, I was harassed […]
READ MORE→When the hamster escapes…
What happens when the hamster escapes and flu ridden Mum is the only person able to track her down and get it back? So, you’re feeling really under the weather, riddled with proper flu. You can barely stagger to the bathroom and the household is trying to manage without you for a few days, whilst […]
READ MORE→Top tips when decorating your child’s bedroom
We are about to move both children out of their shared room, into their own bedrooms, so we are looking at decorating each room and making them special for each child, whilst working within a budget. This helpful collaborative post is has useful tips for decorating your child’s room… It’s nice to spend time […]
READ MORE→When flu strikes…
It’s been a wee bit quiet on the blog the past week or so. I’ve had almost a week off work, but sadly not for fun or pleasure. We have had flu, and when flu strikes, it really isn’t fun at all. This looks pretty but it’s actually very, very nasty and it made us very […]
READ MORE→Ora Towels – not just kitchen towel
When is kitchen towel not just kitchen towel? Well, according to my small son, it;s when it come in a “packet that looks like a rocket” and to my daughter, when she can use it for all sorts of crafts and creativity, and for me, it’s when you have a tough, multi purpose, easy to […]
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