We fail new mothers…

I came across an interesting article this week, about the effects of extreme sleep deprivation on new mothers and that this contributes to anxiety and post partum issues like post partum anxiety & depression. We fail new mothers, and despite this being obvious we still aren’t doing much to fix that.  As someone who struggled […]


Being kind to sensitive skin with Surcare

My teenager has very sensitive skin, and struggles with outbreaks of severe excema. She gets very sore patches on her legs, arms, trunk, and back. She’s struggled with this for a long time, and we have pretty much got a good skincare routine going, and know that certain things in her diet, and some enviromonmental […]


How to slow cook roast chicken

I love roast chicken, it’s one of my favourite ways to eat chicken, and my family all enjoy it. But I’m lazy, and hate washing roasting pans, and cleaning the oven after a roast has been cooked so I slow cook it, in my slow cooker. You get tender, juicy chicken, but it’s so much […]


Parents are worried…

Apparently the BBC is closing a channel, and making CBCC, one of it’s children’s channels, run later, instead.  Meh, you say…who cares? Apparently some parents do, and are worried that their children are going to demand to watch tv until 9pm at night, and they’re up in arms, about this.  The BBC has responded by […]


Please don’t call me…

And I won’t call you… Yup, that’s right. I am not being rude, or maybe I am, but I can explain. I have a reason. It probably isn’t logical to you, but it’s real for me. The problem is, is that I HATE talking on the phone. Truly, truly, I hate it. It brings out […]


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