I will never be thin but I need to be healthy…
Before I continue, this post is NOT about fat shaming, or thin shaming, or whatever the current favourite buzz words are. This post is not saying you need to be thin to be attractive, or healthy. This post is about MY journey, MY body and about getting it to a better place, for my own […]
READ MORE→Kids Company to close…
It’s rare for me to post about news or current events, and it’s even rarer for me to post about what I do in my other job, when I am not blogging or trying to parent. I haven’t really watched much news this week, or read what is happening in the world, because I […]
READ MORE→Diabetes and Feeding my Family – A guest post
Diabetes and feeding my family – Germaine Waters (SunTempleFood.com) There is no such thing as a “diabetic diet”!!! We should all eat high fibre, low fat, balanced glycemic index and calories to suit our lifestyle! I know that’s a contentious statement. It was meant to be, but it is also the way I live despite […]
READ MORE→5 Things Never to say to an Adoptive Parent
I am not brave. I am not special. I am not unique. I am a mother. I am a mother who loves her children unconditionally. I am a mother who didn’t give birth to her children. I am a mother who can honestly say her children are beautiful, cute, gorgeous in fact insert any superlative […]
READ MORE→My phone isn’t coming on holiday with me…
We are off on our much needed holiday, this weekend. Long Suffering Grandad will be cat, hamster & snail sitting, the bags are almost packed, the car is clean, passports are ready, now where did I put my phone charger to pack..? Oh wait, I won’t need my phone charger. Why not? Because I’m […]
READ MORE→In the Buff Mineral Make Up
I don’t tend to wear a lot of make up, but I do like to find a brand that works when I am. I love the idea of mineral make up, but some of the brands I’ve tried have been very drying on my skin, and not applied that well, so when In The Buff […]
READ MORE→Fun at Kidzania London
Kidzania has arrived in London. Take a trip to Westfield, in Shepherds Bush to come and join the fun. We were delighted to be asked by MumsNet to go and visit and see what it was all about. Kidzania is a new concept, for children aged 4-14. What is it about? Here is what they say: “Imagine a […]
READ MORE→Cats are NOT stupid…
If you read our blog at all, or follow us on any social media, you know that we have two cats. We love our kitties and are firmly convinced, like most pet owners that they are the cutest, prettiest and funniest creatures. It’s a bit like parenting. Of course you think your child (or pet) […]
READ MORE→Pain relief without pills – Nurofen Express Heat Patches.
Sometimes you need something to take the edge off pain and bring relief, for muscular pain or joint aches, but you don’t want to reach for the bottle of pain medication. I find myself in this position at the moment, with a long term knee injury that can be pretty painful, and also because I have […]
READ MORE→As a parent what really matters for my children?
As a parent what really matters for my children? My children amaze me. I don’t know why that continually surprises me, at almost nine years into this parenting thing, but I still have real moments of “wow, they are really mine, I must be doing something right, they’re doing ok, in fact, they’re doing really […]
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