Super Squish Pouches
We love our new Super Squish pouches, they are fabulous for weaning, traveling and feeding your baby, toddler or bigger kids.
READ MORE→Time to do something about my eyes?
It’s that time of year again, the reminder SMS from my opticians, to tell me that I need to come and get my eyes tested and have my contact lenses checked to make sure they are still working for me and fitting well. I have several eye issues, mostly common, but fairly severe. I am extremely […]
READ MORE→Nice feet for summer?
It’s no secret, I don’t really like feet, especially my own. I think my feet are not that pretty, and they do get neglected in the winter. Now the warmer weather is here (it really is summer, the sun is slowly starting to be more evident, honestly) it’s time to ditch my winter shoes and […]
READ MORE→Friday’s Rant from the Soap Box in MY Living Room
Dear parent in the park this week… I’d like to point out three things to you: It’s illegal to smoke in a children’s public play park. It’s illegal for children under 16 to be smoking. Allowing your under age (and I know the children’s ages) children to be smoking in a children’s play park, […]
READ MORE→Fuss free & easy leg waxing with Veet
This is the blog post where I share a confession and talk about waxing my legs… Summer is on it’s way, it’s time to think about summer clothes, and getting my legs in shape for warmer weather. Little Man and I are also starting swimming classes for him, next week, at the local pool, and […]
READ MORE→Dear Human… You shall not brush my teeth!
The vet apparently thinks you need to be brushing my teeth, every day. The vet is clearly deluded and has no idea how strong my will is, how hard I can bite, or how sharp my claws are. Why he thinks that I would let you grab me, wrap me in a towel, then prize […]
READ MORE→No juice please, I don’t like it…
At the end of January, this year, I met with a friend of mine, a qualified nutritionist at some sessions she provided to a group of people wanting to change their eating habits, loose some weight and make changes to their lifestyles to improve their health. One of the things she and I worked through […]
READ MORE→It’s NOT Free Calpol folks…
I have recently seen a lot of people sharing on Facebook about a little known service that is available in SOME pharmacies. If your child is unwell, with a minor health condition, and you cannot see their GP, you can take them to your local pharmacy to be assessed by the pharmacist, who can then […]
READ MORE→I don’t think that it should be “normal”…
Last week, I was chatting to my son’s teacher, about how he was doing at school, generally. The conversation, and what she had to say about him sounded great. He’s doing well, managing to achieve all the goals set for him, as a child in a reception class, excelling in some areas and managing to […]
READ MORE→Being a pet owner is like being a parent…
I have learned through 8 years of parenting, that a lot of the time, you go with your gut, or your instincts, when it comes to your children. I also think this applies to owning and caring for a pet. Being a pet owner is like being a parent. If you read this blog, or […]
READ MORE→Work with us or contact us
If you would like to work with us, please fill in our form here and we will get back to you