The Great Festive Giveaway 2021
We are delighted to be collaborating with a group of lovely bloggers for The Great Festive Giveaway 2021 bringing you a bundle of goodies worth over £700 to brighten up your Christmas. There is something for everyone and lots of brands have also helped us bring this to you. 2020 has been a challenging year […]
READ MORE→Family Christmas Traditions
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and Christmas is coming fast, so I thought I would share our family Christmas traditions, some old, some newer, some passed down and some we started ourselves. I love Christmas. We have has a couple of challenging ones but we mostly try to make them fun, enjoyable […]
Sharing a really helpful guest post on how your carbon impact can be lowered in 7 steps By Louise Palmer-Masterton, from Stem & Glory It may not feel like it, but as a consumer you have power to bring about change. A recent YouGov poll found that 56% of people back the total decarbonisation of […]
READ MORE→Get organised with Dodo Pad
*This is a collaborative post with Dodo Pad, we are delighted to be sharing about them and why we think it’s a brilliant way to keep organised.* I have to be organised and I have a very busy family life as well as a work one. Both my children have very active social lives, and […]
READ MORE→Meal Plan Monday – a busy week of meals
Welcome to Meal Plan Monday. This week we are busy as “silly season” starts in earnest and we roll into Christmas and December starts and it’s a busy week of meals. The teen is out not one, not two but three nights this week. She babysits to earn some money once a week and is […]
READ MORE→Making a trip to Paris easy
*This post is written as a partnership post, sharing information on making a trip to Paris easy that you might enjoy and find helpful* We love travelling to France for family holidays and enjoy our time there and we look forward to our trips and visits. We have spent many a happy summer in either […]
READ MORE→Laser Pegs – light up building fun…
*We were kindly sent some Laser Pegs products to try, to share for this blog post, all thoughts are our own* We love building, learning and exploring, through play. As a home educating parent I am always on the look out for toys or games that encourage imagination use but also creativity. Laser Pegs are […]
READ MORE→Are you being pulled away from fulfilling your destiny?
Are you being pulled away from fulfilling your destiny. A guest post by Anne Jones, spiritual healer and co-creator of ‘Artaban The Musical’ As a spiritual healer my clients frequently bring up questions relating to their life purpose: Am I doing what I planned to do? Am I on the right track? I feel blocked […]
READ MORE→Meal Plan Monday – food allergy fail
The weeks are flying by and it’s Meal Plan Monday and I thought this week I would share a mum fail, a food allergy fail, before I kick off with our weekly meal plan. The teen was recently told it’s very likely she has Celiac disease. All her symptoms and markers point to that, we […]
READ MORE→Covid19 symptoms & recovery
I have shared about how Covid19 found us, as a whole family, so I thought I would share our Covid19 symptoms & recovery as well. How it started? We had no real idea we had covid19. On Halloween Evening I had a very mild sore throat, but because I had just dealt with a bout […]
READ MORE→Work with us or contact us
If you would like to work with us, please fill in our form here and we will get back to you