Blogging is hard work but worth it.

*This is a collaborative post sharing why blogging is part of my life and always will be* This blog is now almost 11 years old and I have been blogging for a long time. It’s almost like my third child, having started writing as a way of getting my feelings out when motherhood felt really […]


Get Mum Fit – back on the horse again

Welcome to Get Fit Mum and me getting back on the horse. Not literally, of course, because we don’t own a horse and I haven’t ridden a horse for a long time. But, me sharing about getting myself into better shape, again, after a long, long period of being inactive first due to knee surgery […]


Everyone needs good hair styling tools

We are big fans of Jose Eber hair styling tools and are delighted to share this review and giveaway. When you have long hair, curling and styling it, and keeping it looking and feeling good is important. My daughter has beautiful long hair and spends a lot of time making it look good. She is […]


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